Friday 30 November 2012

My Personal Bank Account

In The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens there is a section all about personal bank account. I know this sounds like your finances its not, it's about your emotional bank account. It kinda goes like this say Jimbo called himself an idiot take 15 points out of his account and he feels a little worse. Lily on the other hand looks in the mirror and says confidently but not boosting "Lily you look really good today" and 15 points to Lily's personal bank account. As you can see its more like a way to image a tally of the things you think about yourself and how you act. This aren't real points you need to keep track of, it is just a way to help visualize the ways your words make you feel. Now on a more personal note my personal bank account. My personal bank account is quite rich, I am always doing different things to boost my account. Such as volunteering, compliment myself making achievable goals and just being kind to myself and others. Although I'm looking at boosting it even more I am looking for more volunteer options around my town to find out what I can do to help out my community and make it more inviting and fun for everyone. Now lets go over some baby steps that will help boost your personal account and what I do to boost mine. This are all simple steps that can be modified  the first one is keeping promises so lets make some easy promises you can do and boost your account bit by bit promise yourself to get up on time for 3 days in a row and when you do this you feel better that you are holding to what you say. find an easy task that needs done and you know you can do it such as doing one batch of laundry or needing to  make a lunch and make a promise to yourself and hold to it. another baby step is doing random acts of service one day just go and do an anonymous kind deed like taking out the trash writing a thank you note shovelling the drive way and take a minute and let the other person go at the stop sign. Find something you can do to make a difference like clean up a park volunteer at a local blood bank, leave kind notes in desks like "your beautiful" "your Awesome" "you have a beautiful soul" and that can make someone's day and just knowing that makes it more then worth it. Tap in to your talents write down a talent(s) that you would like to develop this year like mine are I would like to improve my snowboarding skills and get better in the park. Along with I would like to learn how to play the ukulele this year. Be gentle with yourself try to go through a whole day where you don't have a negative self talk and every time you do replace it with three positive ones about yourself. Don't forget to reward yourself! Pick a fun activity that will lift your spirits back up and hey I think you have a bit of time before you have to read my next post get up right know and take a quick walk around the block I will still be here when you get back. well what are you waiting for go ahead I'm not going anywhere I promise. Lastly be honest next time your parents ask what you have been doing tell them the whole truth don't leave anything out so now that your back from your walk when they ask just tell them "I went for a walk around the block to help renew myself. This kid who is blogging about a book told me to so I did and now he is telling me to be honest with you so I'm going to listen to everything he suggests to help myself." Why thank you for listening so well! its why I do it (plus class but lets forget that part unless your my teacher. in that case I hope you went for the walk to lead by example.) and finally for one day try not to exaggerate or embellish I know your thinking man dude I don't know what to embellish means its okay I'm going to tell you straight from the dictionary to embellish is to Make (a statement or story) more interesting or entertaining by adding extra details, esp. ones that are not true. So a quick reveiw of what our baby steps are keep promises to yourself and others, do random acts of service, tap in to your talents, be gentle with yourself, renew yourself (its a great time for that walk now 

just saying), lastly be Honest and remenber try not to Exaggerate

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