Tuesday 18 September 2012

7 Good and Bad habits

So I have just finished part one of "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens" and over the first part I found it a little hard to read but at the same time Sean Covey really tries to keep you interested while your reading. I think he has the prompts to keep you interested more geared towards younger teens or per teens but yet the information is useful to all ages so far and I think that will show even more as I get farther in to the book. It already has covered to big points before he even brought up the first habit that the book is based off. The first thing he brought up was habits and how there are good and bad habits which we all already knew but I thought this could be fun so I want to list 7 of my bad habits and end on 7 good habits I have and where they came from or how you developed them. I dare you to try the same!


  1. I procrastinate, I think that developed back in elementary school when they gave you homework but never checked it.
  2. Little lazy, This came from whenever I offer help around the house I ways got told no its okay go do something else.
  3. Need prompting to do some things, Once again I think this has the same stem to it because I was only ever expected to do something when I was asked. 
  4. On my laptop to much, This developed because of just how much you can access on just this one little thing I mean I love looking stuff up and learning on it (which is good) but I waste a lot of time on it to.
  5. Great at wasting time, I think this came from my laziness it was just away to avoid the work.
  6. Easily distracted, I think this one comes from my personality because I always like to know what is going on around me for a few different reasons.
  7. Stubborn at the wrong times, This is a trait I learned from my dad he is very stubborn so I can be stubborn at good and bad times its more so I don't fully think it though before I'm stubborn in a bad way.

  1. Enjoy doing a good job, This came from my dad getting me to do stuff just seeing how much doing a little work can change something for the better.
  2. Like hard work, This also came form my dad he doesn't like hard work much so he made me do it and I have grown to love it when I was in Kenya and I was pickaxing I felt great! (I broke 7-9 pickaxes right in half or down the middle over the 20 days)
  3. Enjoy working out although I don't do it much, This came from back in grade 7 when I couldn't even do 10 push ups in one minute so I trained every night and I got up to 40 in a row with in i believe a months time.
  4. Always trying to help others, My mom always taught me to help others and even put people before yourself sometimes.
  5. Thinking environmentally friendly, This I think came from my mom as well but she didn't know she was doing it and if she did she wasn't expecting it to go as far as it has.
  6. I watch out for others, This fallows right with the always trying to help others.
  7. Mannerisms, My mom made sure I was always kind and polite and if I wasn't I had to say sorry and say it again with the polite way of saying it. 
Now that you have seen mine I am challenging you to try the same who knows maybe you will come across something you want to change.

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