Friday 25 January 2013

Habit 3- First Things First

In habit 3 there is a chart called The Time Quadrants this is all about how you spend you time. Now take a minute to look at all four of them. Which one do you spend most of your time in? personally I spend most of my time in quadrant 1. Yepp you got me I'm a procrastinator and I'm horrible for it. But I'm working at shifting in to quadrant 2 the Prioritizer you know the guy who looks like he has an easy life because he plans every thing out that way he minimizes urgent things and has time for important things that aren't urgent like shaving and exercising. somethings I'm doing to get there is I got a planner and I'm using it, I'm doing things more ahead of time rather then last minute, and I'm planning ahead to work things out properly. I'm going to Challenge you to do the same. Another thing that works great with this is stepping out of your comfort zone. Like me I didn't want a planner because I was afraid of being judged for my planner have this little book with me all the time come on what high school guy does that? I stepped out but once you step out and in to the courage zone that is where the best things happen I mean there is risk out there but that is the funnest part with the highest return. Lets look at my two zones first my comfort zone procrastination  KD to eat, only driving on small roads, working at my job, staying with my friends, not reaching out, not asking for help and just having a sit in night. but now lets look at my courage zone (technically any thing out of my comfort zone is my courage zone) going on an adventure night with my friends, Talking to that girl, asking that girl out on a date when you have only talked to her once (happened with my girlfriend only talked to her once and in that chat I asked her on a date), asking my boss to give me the night off after being booked in for it, hitting bigger jumps on my snowboard, learning how to drift (it has saved me in this Canadian weather a few times now) this are all things that were/are out of my comfort range but many of them have given me a great return. Like asking that girl you don't know out on a date! So I encourage all of you to try and become a prioritizer and step out of your comfort zone and get a planer and a boyfriend/girlfriend!

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