Friday 25 January 2013

The Relationship Bank Account

The Relationship Bank account works very similar to your personal bank account three posts back with a bit of a twist instead of you boosting your side you do things that boosts the other persons RBA that they have for you. With the RBA it demands that deposits happen often because after awhile they the deposited fades away imagine the Sims for a minute  You know when you are trying to get two Sims together and you have them talking for hours on end and you slowly see this bar filling up for how much they like the person its a lot like that and just like in the Sims if your people don't talk for awhile then they slowly stop liking each other the same goes in real life and that way you always need to be making deposits to keep the relationship healthy. Now lets think of a few very important relationships in your life Your friends, Siblings Parents/Guardians, Boyfriend/Girlfriend and your teachers whether past or present  How would you score these relationships over all out of five? Five being the highest and one being the lowest. I'll tell you my scores all of mine score in the four they are good but they all have room to improve and I can do this through their RBA that has my name on it. Ways I can do this is just talking to them, holding commitments I promised them, helping them when they need, Listen to them, say your sorry, be loyal, set clear expectations and doing favors for them. All of this can be big or small and you can use this to save relationships that are falling apart. I had a really hard time back in November with one of my best friends and it got to a point where she was just starting to ignore me but knowing how to fix relationships I was able to make small deposits and eventually worked my way up to larger ones and know we talk everyday like we used to. The worst withdraw I have ever made had to have been when a few months ago when I started to close myself off from everyone and I was only talk to my resent girlfriend and I used her like my escape from all my other problems (I never set those problems on her I would just hang out with her and it helped me to forget). As I was doing that though it looked like I was closing everyone because of my girlfriend which wasn't the case but with in that time period of about 2 weeks that felt like 2 months I had made withdraws from three different major groups of people in my life. My friends parents and sibling all at once and I was on my way to teachers. That has to be my biggest withdraw because it effected so many people. With small acts of kindness, caring and saying sorry I was able to rebuild all of those relationships back to strength and a few are stronger because of that. One small act of kindness that I have never forgot is when I was only young probably about seven and I was trying to by my Mom a coffee maker for her birthday I grabbed one off the shelf careful to make sure my mom didn't see. I had all my allowance in my pocket ready to go I went to go pay and then I found out I had miss calculated I didn't have enough money to by my mom the gift I was so said  I didn't know what to do and just as I was about to walk away with my head hung low in shame and sadness this wonderful women in line behind me ask the cashier how much extra I had left to pay and it was about $7 she said no problem Ill just pay for him. I was so happy I don't think I could have said thank you enough times! I found out after words my parents don't drink coffee go figure but we still have it almost 11 years later and it works! I would still to this day like to thank her one last time. Now after reading this you all should know how to repair damaged relationships so go out there and start making deposits in someone RBA. Also do some small acts of kindness they may only be small to you but they could be huge to others you never really know how much of a change you can make in someones day. Just try it!

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