Friday 25 January 2013

Habit 4-Think Win-Win

Win-win conflict resolution is another great way tool to add to your RBA tool belt. The idea behind Win-Win is that everyone wins and no one is hurt in the end. Life does't have to be all about who is better then who you can work it out in a way that both of you win. Other bad ways of conflict resolution are win-lose lose-win and lose-lose whether you are striving to be beat the other person or you let others just walk over you or even worst of all if you cant with then your bringing the other person down with you are all bad ways to do things. All of those methods besides Win-Win are withdraws from your RBA that is why you want to look for an answer you are both happy with and example of this is me and my friend are wanting to start up a company that makes shirts just as a bit of extra money for college but we both have different names we would like to call it so what we are thinking is to make two companies that we both own that are sister companies and if one happens to get in the spot light then it can give a hand up to the other. Plus that way they can both have their separate goals and mission statements as a companies  Who do you think of when you think of win-win? I know for me I think of Craig Kielburger the founder of Free the Children where he is always striving to help others in need but at the same time try to benefit those who are helping I think the thing I admire most about him is his dedication and determination in helping those less fortunate then us. Now I want you to think what is your general life attitude when it comes to conflict I know mine is Win-Win. I also want to think how you use it in your life and think about someone who demonstrates that they don't have to be famous that person could be your mom brother or the family down the street. Just think about them and how they use it and see if you can learn for them.

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